The world is small for us
On the way to Cork
A caminho de Cork - Dough, Barley Cove

On the way to Cork coming out of Killarney going through Kenmare and a bit of history … prehistory.

Bonane Heritage Park

Bonane, Bonane Heritage Park IR, Ireland, Kerry, Monuments, Bronze Age Monuments, Neolithic, Parks
Bonane Heritage Park – Prehistoric monuments. Dromagorteen Ring Fort
Bonane, Bonane Heritage Park IR, Ireland, Kerry, Monuments, Bronze Age, Neolithic, Parks
Bonane Heritage Park – Prehistoric monuments. Dromagorteen Ring Fort
Bonane, Bonane Heritage Park IR, Ireland, Kerry, Monuments, Bronze Age, Neolithic, Parks
Bonane Heritage Park – Prehistoric monuments. Dromagorteen stone circle , neolithic , Bronze Age
Bonane, Bonane Heritage Park IR, Ireland, Kerry, Monuments, Bronze Age, Neolithic, Parks
Bonane Heritage Park – Prehistoric monuments. Dromagorteen stone circle , neolithic , Bronze Age
Bonane, Bonane Heritage Park IR, Ireland, Kerry, Monuments, Bronze Age, Neolithic, Parks
Bonane Heritage Park – Prehistoric monuments. Dromagorteen Fulachta Fiadh, cooking area, Neolithic, Bronze Age
Bonane, Bonane Heritage Park IR, Ireland, Kerry, Monuments, Bronze Age, Neolithic, Parks
Bonane Heritage Park – Prehistoric monuments. Dromagorteen Fulachta Fiadh, cooking area, Neolithic, Bronze Age
Bonane, Bonane Heritage Park IR, Ireland, Kerry, Monuments, Bronze Age, Neolithic, Parks
Bonane Heritage Park – Prehistoric monuments. Dromagorteen Bullaun Stone, astronomical element, the holes were facing the position of the sunrise in winter
Bonane, Bonane Heritage Park IR, Ireland, Kerry, Monuments, Bronze Age, Neolithic, Parks
Bonane Heritage Park – Prehistoric monuments. Dromagorteen Bullaun Stone, astronomical element, the holes were facing the position of the sunrise in winter
Bonane, Bonane Heritage Park IR, Ireland, Kerry, Monuments, Bronze Age, Neolithic, Parks
Bonane Heritage Park – Prehistoric monuments. Dromagorteen Standing Stone
Bonane, Bonane Heritage Park IR, Ireland, Kerry, Monuments, Bronze Age, Neolithic, Parks
Bonane Heritage Park – Prehistoric monuments. Dromagorteen Standing Stone

Old-fashioned Cottage.

Bonane, Ireland, Kerry
On the way to Cork – visitor center Molly Gallivan’s old-fashioned farmhouse and cottage, over 200 years old, with some prehistoric monuments

And the landscape changes …

After passing the tunnel that divides Kerry and Cork Counties the landscape colors changes .

Cork, Ireland, N71 Rossnagrena
On the way to Cork – Just after the tunnel the landscape changes
Cork, Ireland, N71 Rossnagrena
On the way to Cork – Just after the tunnel the landscape changes

Again between islands and clippings and a delicious stop …

A little seafood soup full of crab, salmon and shrimp before an open crab sandwich and a basket full of shrimps with a little salt and pepper in O’Sullivans bar. Is it or it is not a delicious landscape?

Cork, Crookhaven, Ireland
On the way to Cork – Crookhaven, fishing village
Food, Cork, Crookhaven, Ireland, O'Sullivans Bar IR, Restaurants_Bars
On the way to Cork – Crookhaven, O’Sullivans Bar an excellent lunch!
Food, Cork, Crookhaven, Ireland, O'Sullivans Bar IR, Restaurants_Bars
On the way to Cork – Crookhaven, O’Sullivans Bar an excellent lunch!
Comida, Cork, Crookhaven, Irlanda, O'Sullivans Bar IR, Restaurantes_Bares
Food, Cork, Crookhaven, Ireland, O’Sullivans Bar IR, Restaurants_Bars
Cork, Crookhaven, Ireland, O'Sullivans Bar IR, Restaurants_Bars
On the way to Cork – Crookhaven, O’Sullivans Bar an excellent lunch!

The blue and green blend together.

Brow Head, Cork, Ireland
On the way to Cork – Brow Heah e Mizen Head
Cork, Ireland, Mallavoge
On the way to Cork – Mallavoge
Cork, Ireland, Mallavoge
On the way to Cork- Mallavoge
Cork, Ireland, Mallavoge
On the way to Cork- Mallavoge, Galley Cove
Cork, Irlanda, Mallavoge
A caminho de Cork – Mallavoge, Galley Cove
Cork, Ireland, Mallavoge
On the way to Cork – Mallavoge

And another beach that if the weather was a little beat warmer for sure would be full …

Cork, Dough - Barley Cove, Ireland
On the way to Cork – Dough, Barley Cove
Cork, Dough - Barley Cove, Ireland
On the way to Cork – Dough, Barley Cove
Cork, Dough - Barley Cove, Ireland
On the way to Cork – Dough, Barley Cove
Cork, Dough - Barley Cove, Ireland
On the way to Cork – Dough, Barley Cove
Cork, Dough - Barley Cove, Ireland
On the way to Cork – Dough, Barley Cove


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