The world is small for us

About our site Travelling

I decided to create this photo blog as a way to share the experience of an Adventure in Ireland but with the amount of adventures we have been having we have extended this blog to our travels outside our land.

As far as An Adventure in Ireland is concerned, it is divided into two parts:

One with images taken with the mobile phone with the intention, unsuccessful, to share the experience throughout the trip.

Another one where I have tried to put some of the 10,000 or so images, taken by me and my husband, separated by the various themes and/or places where we have been.

It will gradually grow with our travels through Germany. Hungary, Mexico and all the places we pass through.

We hope you like it and leave your comments and criticisms.

Thank you

Cristina Coelho

Elements, Lighthouses, Valentia Island, Ireland, Kerry, Sea, Valentia IR, Water, About Travelling
Valentia Lighthouse with Beginish Island behind – Republic of Ireland

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